This committee, chaired by the Vice Provost, reviews and evaluates the use of space and requests for space, determines or recommends space reassignments, and develops and advises the campus administration on plans and policies for use of existing space and for capital improvements needed for the Berkeley campus.
To achieve these goals, SACI:
- Advises the administration on individual proposals for major and minor capital improvement projects and recommends priorities for the campus’s Capital Improvement Program.
- Makes final decisions on minor space matters and presents recommendations to the Chancellor for final approval if the resources involved are large.
- Has standing and ad-hoc subcommittees including Building Name Review and Outdoor Art. Building space subcommittees are established to review space issues in multi-unit buildings and recommend internal building space reassignments.
- Administers the campus’s Temporary Building Policy, receives presentations on project designs, and provides advice on a variety of issues related to space.
- As composed of faculty, administrators, and has one graduate student member and one undergraduate student member.
- Meets two to three times per semester.
Requests for the assignment of additional space should conform to Campus Principles for the Management of Space.