Li Ka Shing Hall Building Management Plan

This building management plan for Li Ka Shing Hall was developed in consultation with the former head of the Health Sciences Initiative (HSI; Tjian), the current head of the HSI and Dean of Biological Sciences (Schlissel) and the head of the CACB (Schekman). It was also agreed to by the Dean of the School of Public Health (Shortell) and the head of the Helen Wills Neurosciences Institute (HWNI; Knight) and was approved by Vice Provost Cathy Koshland. It reflects the unique aspects of the mission of this building. It describes a structure designed to preserve and encourage health-related research in cancer biology, infectious diseases, gene regulation, stem cell biology and neurodegenerative diseases.

Fundamental Viewpoints

  1. The building management plan will create a structure to address issues large and small, from overseeing operations to resolving demands on space of varying significance and timescales.

  2. The enterprise of the building comprises diverse academic and research groups with a common interest in the molecular basis for disease. Management of this enterprise requires that space assignments and other operational decisions foster interdisciplinary interaction and accommodate differing research styles and space requirements.

  3. Space belongs to the enterprise of the building, the Health Sciences Initiative, not to a department, school or college. That is, when space is vacated by the departure of a faculty member, the authority for its reallocation is defined by this building management plan and does not rest with the department or college with which the faculty members were associated.

  4. Space shall be allocated to individual research groups based on need and in consideration of the impact on other research groups and programs within the entire facility.

  5. Given the open design of labs in LKS, the space assigned to individual faculty can increase or decrease within pre-established parameters based on the overall needs of the local research community.

  6. Space assignment in LKS is not permanent but will be reevaluated from time to time based on the evolving nature of occupants’ research programs and emerging opportunities in the study of human health and disease.

Building Management Team

  1. The building management team will consist of a Director, a Deputy Director, and Berkeley faculty members appointed by the Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Facilities (VP-APF) to serve on an operations committee.

  2. The Director will be Director of the Health Sciences Initiative, in recognition of the focus of the building’s research community on human health and disease.

  3. The Deputy Director will be the building’s operational leader and should be a senior investigator whose lab is located in the building. The Deputy Director will be nominated by the Director and subject to approval by the Chancellor. The Director will delegate many of the operational issues to the Deputy Director, including supervision of the building support staff and the leadership of the building operations committee (see below).

  4. Responsibility for the physical aspects of the building, its maintenance and its operation will be assigned to a Building Engineer, who will report to the Deputy Director. Additional staffing may be required to support the function of investigators and the Deputy Director.

Organizational Duties and Responsibilities


The Director will oversee the allocation and management of space in Li Ka Shing Hall.Space management authority is delegated from the Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Facilities (VP-APF). The Director will discharge his/her duties under the guidance of the policies and philosophies developed by the Space Allocation Committee. The Space Allocation Committee will make final recommendations on space allocation to the Director for his/her implementation.


The Deputy Director will head the building management committee (below) and be responsible for the day-to-day management of the LKS building community.


With input from the Space Advisory Committee (below), a committee will be constituted to develop, institute and manage short term and long term assignment of all building space; consideration of renovation and reconstruction needs; the expansion and contraction of program and faculty allocations in response to changing research opportunities; and research support facility needs.

The Director will serve as chair of the committee and the head of the CACB as the co-chair. There will be 3 additional members including the head of the Berkeley Stem Cell Initiative (or their designee), a representative from the School of Public Health, and a representative from the HWNI. Members will be appointed by the VP-APF in consultation with the Director and serve terms of 3 to 5 years. The members of the committee will be chosen so that, in combination with the Director and CACB head, there will be no more than 3 members from any one Department.


An advisory committee will be constituted to provide input to the Space Allocation Committee regarding decisions on space allocation that impact faculty hiring and retention and programmatic direction. The role of the advisory committee is to ensure that the members of the Space Allocation Committee are aware of current and future issues concerning programmatic direction and impact on space allocation, as well as to provide input on specific space allocation decisions.

The committee will be comprised of the Chairs of MCB, IB and PMB, and the Deans of the Division of Biological Sciences, the School of Public Health, College of Chemistry, College of Natural Resources and College of Engineering. The chair of the committee will rotate between the represented departments. The Director and the head of the CACB will be ex officio members of the committee.


The Building Operations Committee will be established to provide input to the Deputy Director on day-to-day building operational issues and the management of support services and facilities. The committee will be responsible for developing and overseeing management structures for the research support facilities, user policies and day-to-day building operational policies. The Building Operations Committee will manage the day-to-day and semester-to-semester demands for meeting room assignments, offices for visiting faculty, and short-term, “temporary” assignments of laboratory space when available.

The Deputy Director will chair the Building Operations Committee. Committee members will be appointed by the Director from amongst the faculty residing in the building. Recommendations for membership will be made by the Deputy. Members will serve 3 year terms. The first committee will consist of 4 positions (one representative from each research floor) in addition to the Deputy Director. All subsequent appointments will be for 3 year terms.


It will be assumed that the Space Allocation Committee and the Director will resolve most if not all, disputes. If all efforts to reach a compromise fail, an appeal of a space allocation decision can be made by a Dean of one of the disciplines occupying the building for consideration by the Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Facilities.