The building management plan for Sutardja Dai Hal (SDH) detailed below reflects the building’s unique mission. It presents a framework designed to support the interdisciplinary mission of CITRIS.
Fundamental Assumptions
- The enterprise of SDH involves interdisciplinary and collaborative research projects carrying out research in the fundamentals and application of information and communication technologies to grand-challenge problems in the interest of society. Managing this enterprise requires that space allocations and other operational decisions foster interdisciplinary interaction.
- Specific space allocation decisions within this building will be managed by CITRIS. CITRIS space allocation recommendations for CITRIS-affiliated collaborative research projects will be made by the CITRIS Building Management Team (CBMT), based on need and in consideration of impact on other research projects within the entire building, and will be approved by the CITRIS Director. Allocation of any CITRIS space beyond the scope of SDH in the College will be managed by the Dean of Engineering in consultation with the CITRIS Director and is not addressed in this management plan.
- There will be no permanent space designated for faculty, student or research staff offices and all such space will be vacated at the completion of a project. There will be no space allocated to Emeriti faculty. The CITRIS Director will give one semester (six months) written notice to the faculty Principal Investigators associated with a CITRIS project that is scheduled to vacate SDH. The Principal Investigators are then responsible for ensuring that all faculty, students, and staff involved in said project have completely vacated SDH as soon as possible, but in all cases within the provided time limit.
- The authority for research and office space reallocation in CITRIS space is defined by this building management plan and does not rest with the department with which a faculty member is associated.
- CITRIS space may occasionally be allocated in the context of a recruitment or retention case. Such commitments must be reviewed by the CBMT and approved in writing by the CITRIS Director. Occupants must comply with their specific Sutardja Dai Hall Building Occupant MOU’s and the authority for space allocations in Sutardja Dai Hall remains with CITRIS.
- Affiliated research projects will have no specific claim on space in the building but may be temporarily allocated space if faculty researcher convenience requires and availability allows, at the recommendation of the CITRIS Building Management Team (CBMT) and with the approval of the CITRIS Director.
- This building management plan creates a structure to address issues large and small, from overseeing operations to resolving demands on space of varying significance and duration. Any amendments to this plan must be approved by CBMT, and the Space Assignments and Capital Improvements Committee (SACI).
Space Specifications
- Office Standards—the majority of academic office space in SDH is composed of rooms that are approximately 150 assignable square feet, the standard academic office size as defined by University of California, Berkeley Office Space Guidelines.
- Academic and Research Offices—space will be assigned on the basis of actual budgeted academic staff levels for CITRIS-approved funded research projects. Academic staffing includes ladder rank faculty, visiting faculty, including faculty from CITRIS-associated campuses, adjunct professors, Post-docs, and GSRs.
- Full-time ladder rank faculty are each allowed one standard office.
- Visiting faculty and adjuncts—several rooms have been retained for shared use by visiting researchers and adjuncts.
- Post-docs, GSRs, and research staff are assigned to workstations in the laboratories.
- Full-time ladder rank faculty are each allowed one standard office.
- Industrial Visitor Offices—will be standard-size academic offices or research workspaces and will be made available by the CITRIS Director to approved CITRIS Members or other visitors. Additional offices may also be allocated to industrial visitors by the CITRIS Director.
- Research Space—Recommendations for allocation of specific research space will be made by the CBMT for research projects approved by the CITRIS Director.
- Administrative Space—for CITRIS administrative staff will be assigned by the CITRIS Director based on actual staffing and usage.
- Instructional Laboratories—One 50-seat and two 25-seat classrooms are controlled by the CITRIS Director. The classrooms will be made available to other University functions if they do not interfere with scheduled distance-learning events.
- Auditorium Space—The 150-seat auditorium will be scheduled by the CITRIS Director for the benefit of CITRIS. This auditorium will be made available for other University functions if they do not interfere with scheduled CITRIS events. At all times, the CITRIS Director has priority for the scheduling and use of this auditorium and all other meeting spaces in SDH.
- Meeting Space—Shared conference, seminar, and meeting rooms are to be used by active CITRIS research projects and will be scheduled by the CITRIS Director or her/his designate.
- Support Space—Shared copy rooms will be provided on each floor for the CITRIS projects located there. Storage space will also be assigned to each active project by the CITRIS Director or her/his designate.
- Shared Common Space—Interactive spaces are provided on every floor. Since this building was designed for interactions, these common spaces should not be isolated or dedicated to a single project.
Building Management Team and Responsibilities
The CITRIS Building Management Team (CBMT) for SDH consists of: the CITRIS Director, CITRIS Deputy Director, CITRIS Director for Finance and Administration, the CITRIS Director of Facilities and Operations, and the College of Engineering Associate Dean for Facilities and Capital Projects.
The definitions and responsibilities of each of these entities are as follows:
- The Director will be the Director of the CITRIS Program. The Director will oversee the allocation and management of space in SDH and will make all final space allocation decisions in the building. Space management authority is delegated from the Chancellor to the Director.
- The Director of Facilities and Operations is responsible for the physical aspects of the building, its maintenance and its operation and will report to the Deputy Director. As well as the other duties, duties under this plan include supervision of the building support staff and assistance to the Director in managing day-to-day building management and operational issues. The CITRIS Director of Facilities and Operations will also serve as the Chair of the CBMT.
- The Deputy Director and Directorof Finance and Administration will be senior staff members with operational management responsibilities.
- The CITRIS Building Management Team (CBMT) provides oversight to the Director on day-to-day building operational issues and the management of support services and facilities. The committee will be responsible for developing and overseeing management structures for the research support facilities, user policies and day-to-day building operation policies. The CBMT will manage the day-to-day and semester-to-semester demands for room assignments, offices for visiting and adjunct faculty, industrial visitors, and short-term, “temporary” assignments of space, when necessary. The CBMT will also make recommendations to the Director on space occupancy outside of the occupancy period guaranteed to projects (e.g., if a project moves out early). The CBMT’s responsibilities will include consideration of renovation and reconstruction needs; the expansion and contraction of program and faculty allocations in response to changing research projects. The CBMT will meet monthly. The CITRIS Director will make all final space allocation decisions based on the recommendations of the CBMT. The CITRIS Director of Facilities and Operations will chair the CBMT.
- The Space Assignments and Capital Improvements Committee (SACI) advises the campus administration on plans and policies for use of existing space and for capital improvements needed for the Berkeley campus. This administrative committee is chaired by the Vice Provost for Academic and Space Planning, and receives staff support from the Office of Space Management and Capital Programs.
Dispute Resolution
The CBMT and the CITRIS Director will resolve disputes. If all efforts via this body to reach an acceptable compromise fail, the issue can be brought to SACI.