APR Staff Support Team

APR specialist staff provide support in the following core areas

The support team meets on a monthly basis throughout the year, and we encourage units under review to reach out to us as needed during the review process. 

Verna Bowie

Director, Academic Program Reviews 


 Logistics and Strategic Planning Support

  • Directs process; answers procedure and policy questions.
  • Strategizes about options for faculty/student/staff engagement.
  • Recruits external review committee (ERC).
  • Drafts ERC charge and outcome letters.
  • Monitors follow-up activities.
Malcolm Quon

Institutional Research Analyst


Central Data Summary and Support
  • Prepares OPA summary of central data.
  • Provides ad hoc institutional data support.

Amy Scharf

Director, Faculty & Departmental Diversity Initiatives, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Strategic Planning & Implementation

  • Consults with departments on issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice (DEIBJ).
  • Supports self-assessment, strategic planning and implemenation for DEIBJ.
Tracy Pascua Dea

Academic Climate Program Director

Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare


Campus provided DEIBJ and Climate Support for all Unit Constituents (faculty, staff, researchers, and students)

  • Consults with departments on issues related to climate and DEIBJ.
  • Supports implementation of strategic plan for climate and DEIBJ.
  • Designs and implements climate survey with unit, including data analysis and data use.
Linda Song
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs

Graduate Program 

  • Advises on all matters related to the graduate program and graduate student experience.

Melissa Ko

Assessment and Curriculum Design Specialist, Center for Teaching and Learning


Undergraduate Program Curriculum & Learning Outcomes Assessment

  • Identifies and maps student learning outcomes.
  • Selects instruments best suited. to assessing student achievement of program-level learning outcomes.
  • Designs and implements assessment plan, including data analysis and data use.
  • Consults with departments to identify opportunities for enhanced student learning.

Liat Wexler

Prevention Manager, Faculty and Staff

PATH to Care Center

Prevention Plan for Sexual Violence Sexual Harassment
  • Planning and implementation support for units as they create a proactive plan to prevent sexual harassement within their academic community. 

People and Culture

Colin Gerker-Junsay 

Pamela Rich

Jan Crosbie-Taylor

Support/Facultiate discussions relating to Organization Development, Strategic Planning, Governance, and other topics